Build and Setup | Luminosity


Posted: 11 Aug 2021 (04:28)
Last Edited: 27 Oct 2021 (21:40)



Follow this installation guide to set up Luminosity


Packages used:


  • PHP Version ≥ 7.0 (ext-mbstring and ext-exif enabled)
  • Composer package management (optional)
  • MySQL drivers

Setup Luminosity

Follow the given steps to setup Luminosity.

1. Setup Project

  • Clone project in htdocs directory using
git clone

Rename application/Config/Config.example.php to Config.php

  • When remotely hosting your site typically the URL would not contain the folder name but only the host name. Therefore, when deploying we can change the environment in Config.php from local to prod.

define("ENVIRONMENT", "local");

$basePath = ENVIRONMENT === "local" ? '/'.basename(dirname(__DIR__, 2)) : '';
define('BASE_FOLDER', $basePath); 

 * Set URLROOT for application.
 * Note: Host name should not have trailing slashes.
 * Eg: or http://localhost
define('URLROOT', "http://<hostname>".BASE_FOLDER); 

2. App Configurations

Setup the app configurations in the Config file carefully to avoid any unexpected errors

  • Add SMTP Mail details to app.

To setup using Gmail

define("SMTP_HOST", '');
define("SMTP_USERNAME", '');
define("SMTP_MAIL", '');
define("SMTP_PASSWORD", 'password');
define("SMTP_PORT", 587); // default mail port

Using Gmail requires access from less secure apps

More options: SendgridMailjet

define('EMAIL_API_TOKEN', '...');
  • Cloudinary has been used as the image host for application. Cloudinary works in the default demo mode as given. Creating your own cloud will allow only validated images from your cloud on the application. Allowed Image Extensions can be set in the console at settings/uploads/<UPLOAD_PRESET>/Upload Control

Reference Upload API

// Default values for demo cloud
define('IMG_CLOUD_NAME', 'demo');
define('IMG_UPLOAD_URL', ''.IMG_CLOUD_NAME.'/image/upload');
define('IMG_API_KEY', '');
define('IMG_API_PRESET', 'docs_upload_example_us_preset');

You can modify the allowed size and extensions for user uploaded images in WriteModel

if($array['bytes'] <= 10000000 && in_array($array['format'], ['jpg','jpeg','gif','webp','png'])
   && isset($array['secure_url'])) {
    return $array['secure_url'];

3. Setup Database

Use MySQL database for the application.

  • Add database credentials to the Config file
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
define("DB_USER", "root");
define("DB_PASS", "");
define("DB_NAME", "luminosity");


In case of a problem you can open an issue


luminosity update tech programming


plinkge 11 Aug 2021 (04:30)